

Treds - Sorted Data Structure Server

Treds is a Radix Trie based data structure server that stores keys in sorted order, ensuring fast and efficient retrieval. A scan operation returns keys in their sorted sequence.

How it is different from Redis?

  • Keys at root level having a common prefix can be queried optimally
  • SCANKEYS/SCANKVS/KEYS/KVS commands returns the results in sorted order
  • Unlike Redis SCAN (opens in a new tab), Treds SCAN always returns count number of data if data is there
  • Unlike Redis ZRANGEBYLEX (opens in a new tab), Treds ZRANGELEX always returns data irrespective of score, basically data across different scores are returned
  • It has Sorted Maps instead of Sorted Sets. So we can create a Sorted Key/Value pair with associated with a score
  • New command - DELPREFIX - Deletes all keys having a common prefix and returns number of keys deleted
  • Currently, it only has Key/Value store, Sorted Maps store, List store, Set store and Hash store and only supports strings/number as values